So we arrived last night after a looong flight but all things considered it was pretty good. Marni managed to sleep a good 4-5 hours and me not so much. Whatev. The drive here from the airport was absolutely comical...there are no traffic lines and no lights. So everyone goes wherever they want with no apparent concern for others. Organized chaos. The best part was the hotel the driver took us to was not the one we intended but it all worked out. Hit the streets today after Marni got the most ungawdly pedi and mani ever dreamed possible but...she fits in. Now we're trying to figure out how to get outta town...which is much harder than one would imagine. People speak super worser English but it makes for lots of 'stop and laugh our asses off' situations. Oh and get this - Marni wears size XL pants here...huh???
Off to find some beers and a ride outta town. Adios.
Good to hear you got to the organized chaos safe and sound!
Keep the updates coming and we want to hear the dirt.
The drive to Banff was great in the Murano he!he!
Everything's fine on the homefront. Enjoy all the adventures and keep the updates coming. Ciao
Mike and Suzanne
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